// // CCRadix.m // CCFC // // Created by xichen on 11-12-16. // Copyright 2011年 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved. // #include "CCRadix.h" @implementation CCRadix + (NSString *)get2RadixStr:(unsigned)n { return [self getRadixStr:n withRadix:2]; } + (NSString *)get8RadixStr:(unsigned)n { return [self getRadixStr:n withRadix:8]; } + (NSString *)get10RadixStr:(unsigned)n { return [self getRadixStr:n withRadix:10]; } + (NSString *)get16RadixStr:(unsigned)n { NSMutableString *ret = [NSMutableString string]; while (n) { int temp = n % 16; if(temp >= 10) temp = 'A' + temp - 10; if(temp < 10) [ret insertString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", temp] atIndex:0]; else [ret insertString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%c", temp] atIndex:0]; n /= 16; } return ret; } // you should make sure the radix argument is less or equal to 10. + (NSString *)getRadixStr:(unsigned)n withRadix:(SMALL_INT)radix { NSMutableString *ret = [NSMutableString string]; while (n) { int temp = n % radix; [ret insertString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", temp] atIndex:0]; n /= radix; } return ret; } + (unsigned)getValueFromStr:(NSString *)str withRadix:(SMALL_INT)radix { int len = [str length]; if(len == 0) return 0; unsigned sum = 0; for(int i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i) { sum += ([str characterAtIndex:i] - '0') * pow(radix, len - i - 1); } return sum; } // you should make sure the srcStr with srcRadix is valid and not overflow to UINT_MAX. + (NSString *)getRadixStr:(NSString *)srcStr srcRadix:(SMALL_INT)srcRadix destRadix:(SMALL_INT)destRadix { unsigned n = [self getValueFromStr:srcStr withRadix:srcRadix]; return [self getRadixStr:n withRadix:destRadix]; } @end
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